49 ideas,
in 49 years.
In 2024 Volkmar is currently 49 years old. Some may think that it's quite old, but there's a lot to tell. And a lot to show, too. Volkmar is responsible for many campaigns and brand designs that have been created under his creative direction. It's a collaborative effort with a great team, because that's how it works. However, on this page, the focus is on ideas. Volkmar's ideas, to be precise. So, you'll only see the works where he has developed the concept and design idea. Over the past 20 years, Volkmar has been working in the communication industry, he has worked as a Art Director and Creative Director and, most recently, as the Managing Director. There's a lot that accumulates over time, but here are his very own 49 ideas in 49 years.
Just so simple. And tasty.
For decades, it stood still, but now it serves an important purpose once again: the wheel that once powered the Munich ice factory. In the past, it enabled the production of beer at the Paulaner Brewery during the summer months, but today it plays a central role in the Paulaner microbrewery "Eiswerk". The development of the key elements of a reduced corporate design, which stands out clearly from the often graphically overloaded craft beer competition, preceded the packaging design. The relaunch strengthens "Eiswerk" in the portfolio of the Paulaner Brewery and is perceived as an independent brand.
Fritz Hansen X Gut Oggau.
Grand Prix Chair by Arne Jacobsen.
Fritz Hansen is a Danish furniture manufacturer that has gained worldwide fame through the production of designs by renowned designers such as Arne Jacobsen, Hans Wegner, or Borge Mogensen. Gut Oggau is also internationally acclaimed for its excellent wine and good corporate design. So why not collaborate? Wine is a natural product, and wood is too. We combine these two products by dyeing the chairs with wine. For this purpose, we have chosen a classic: the famous Grand Prix Chair by Arne Jacobsen. The red wine tints the wood of this design classic with a reddish-brown hue, creating a perfect symbiosis of both worlds. The collaboration will launch from November 2021 in selected Fritz Hansen stores in Copenhagen, Vienna, Tokyo, New York, and Seoul.